Friday, January 16, 2009

About those Expectations

Husseim, maybe we can talk about this, you are pretty much the only one who knows that this blog exists and I think you would understand.
Since I came here I have noticed that attitudes can change. You get used to random children just touching you and shaking hands with you in the middle of the street, women singing songs out loud on the bus, or adults simply starting to dance in the middle of a meeting.
I read one of my previous posts again and saw that I had been complaining about a six hour delay at the airport...I don't think that I would still write that on my blog if it happened to me today. I've learned that things can even be on time if they come late, you just need to expect them to be delayed.
People in this part of the world amaze me...the other day my mum sent me an e-mail and a part of it was;
Work- as if you didn't need the money
Dance- as if no one was watching
Sing- as if no one was listening
Love- as if no one had hurt you
Live- as if this was paradise on earth
When I read this I thought: "Wow! True, that's what I need to do!" Until I noticed that most people here seem to live their lives like that...and where does this lead you? Is this really it? I've decided that there must be more to this than just the above...
So, yeah, attitudes DO change! When I happen to read what I just wrote in a couple of months I'll probably wonder what on earth I was thinking.... I wouldn't actually be surprised though if I already think that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Husseim Stuck said...

LARS, This is Brilliant !!
I mean it... is FREAKING AMAZING...

It mirrors how much you have develop and matured... All the insight you have gotten from life....

you have discovered what simpleness means....

you also remind me of mexico... and of the real life, and not of this materialistic evanecent materialistic mirage.....

Wow.. Larsi... thank you soooo much...

I am working on my next post ! :D

have lots of ideas, but still trying to make a concrete one! :D

teke care brother.

Its sooo interesting, all this thing with the blogs and stuff.. :D he he he... take care.. my boy..:D